13 Mayıs 2009 Çarşamba

do you REALLY want a TATTOO????

So you want to get a tattoo huh? Tattoos are a work of art. As a
tattoo fanatic myself, I sincerely hope that this quick guide and my
website will help you make an intelligent and inspired choice before
you decide to get inked!

Why Get A Tattoo?
Firstly let’s discuss the top 13 reasons you may want to get a tattoo
in the first place!

1. Self Expression - Tattoos are works of art that can be used as a
vehicle to display your unique sense of individuality to the
world. For instance, if you are into the "undead scene" others
will be able to identify you by the ghostly spirit tattooed on
your arm. If you are an art lover, an Andy Warhol or Leonardo
Da Vinci inspired tattoo will deliver the message to others. The
tattoo can also give others some idea of your occupation.

2. Tribal Identity - The original intention of a tattoo was to mark
an individual as part of a tribe or a group. This type of tattoo
warns others if you happen to belong to some kind of gang
(good for them) and allows other kindred spirits to identify you
(good for you.) For instance, an iron cross can identify a Goth
individual, the Serenity Prayer an AA member, a Harley
Davidson logo a biker, a crucifix a Christian, an anchor a
member of the Navy and so on..

3. Spiritual Growth - Many individuals will get a tattoo after they
experience an epiphany or leap of faith that has led to their
survival against great odds. Examples of this kind of tattoo are
the lung cancer survivor who gets a tattoo of the wind blowing
and the student of Buddhism who gets the "ohm" symbol
tattooed on his chest after receiving teachings from a master.

4. For Spiritual Protection - Cab drivers will boast a tattoo of St.
Christopher on their arms to prevent accidents on the road. A
very familiar tattoo for protection is the eye within the hand or
the eye within the triangle that finds its origins in the ancient
Mediterranean. Crucifix's, sacred hearts, St. Michael and gods
or goddesses are often used for the same purposes.

5. Marking Important Events - Weddings, anniversaries, divorces,
surviving a war and other occasions sometimes warrant a
tattoo. Some couples are getting tattoos marked around the
fourth finger of their left hand rather than opting for the
traditional engagement ring.

6. Paying Homage - Sometimes a tattoo is in order after the death
of a celebrity, favorite pet or relative. Usually these tattoos are
portraits commissioned by a very talented artist who can
reproduce likenesses of such personages as Elvis, Marilyn
Monroe, John F. Kennedy or Malcolm X.

7. To Enhance Luck - Getting a tattoo to enhance your luck is as
old as primitive man. Today you can see everything from pairs
of dice to four leafed clovers to the Greek Goddess Fortuna
marked on the arms of those who wish to court Lady Luck.
8. To Express Commitment - Getting a tattoo in this day of
"disposable everything" is an expression of commitment to
yourself that is forever. The sages say that making an
irrevocable decision is good for the soul!

9. Totem Symbols and Animals - Some people consider a tattoo
to be an expression of their soul or spirit guide. Fairies,
hummingbirds, butterflies, angels, wolves, tigers and other
animals are popular examples of this kind of tattoo.

10. As a memorial - Some tattoos are used to remember a
beloved family member or pet that has passed away.

11. Enhancing Sexuality - There is a theory that getting a
tattoo on the lower back helps open up the base chakra (near
the bottom of the spine) and enhances the kundalini (life force)
that governs such matters as survival and sexuality. A tiny
tattoo on the female hipbone or on the inner thigh is
considered to be very sexy.

12. Multiple Births - In this age of fertility drugs, more
mothers than ever are giving birth to identical twins, triplets
and quadruplets. Tattooing the bottom of the newborns' feet is
one way to guarantee that you will always be able to tell your
children apart from each other.

13. To Make People Laugh – Best of all, tattoos do have a
way of "breaking the ice" when it comes to starting a
conversation. There is nothing wrong with adding a little levity
to the world. After all humor dissolves all karma!

What You Should Be Thinking About?
There are literally as many motifs and symbols for tattoos as there
are ideas for art in the world. When choosing a design it might
benefit to ask yourself the following questions:

What inspires me?

What do I aspire to?

What gives me strength?

These three simple questions should trigger your gray matter to
come up with an idea of what is meaningful "marking" for you.

So... are you ready to get inked?


Did you know that 99% of any problems arising from tattooing result from poor
aftercare? It is vital that you follow the aftercare instructions below to ensure
proper healing and complete satisfaction with your new tattoo. If you follow
these instructions the tattoo should heal within three to five days.
At least three times a day cleanse your tattoo thoroughly, using antibacterial
soap, cool water and your clean hands only. DO NOT USE WASH CLOTHS. Do
this more frequently if you get sweaty or dirty. Keep applying soap and rising
until your down to squeaky clean skin.
DO NOT SCRUBB YOUR TATTOO. Pat dry with a clean towel. Apply TANTENOL POMAD.
As a tattoo heals, it may itch. DO NOT STRATCH OR PICK YOUR TATTOO. Once
the tattoo flakes discontinue the PANTENOL and use lotion.
Do NOT expose your tattoo to the sun for at least 2 weeks and afterwards use a HIGH FACTOR sun block. If you use a tanning bed, cover your tattoo.
DO NOT go swimming or hot-tubbing in fresh, salt or chlorinated water for 2
weeks. Avoid long steaming showers.
DO NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide, alcohol or Vaseline on your tattoo.
DO use liberal amounts of PANTENOL POMAD.
DO cover your tattoo with clothing or sun block when outdoors or tanning.
Advise the tattoo artist of any infection, allergic or adverse reaction resulting from the application of your tattoo.
Contact a health care provider at the first signs of infection or allergic reaction.

1) Remove bandage after 4 – 6 hours. DO NOT REBANDAGE!
2) Wash tattoo gently with soap and warm water to remove all ointment(PANTENOL POMAD),
excess color and dry blood.
3) Dry tattoo by blotting with soft, clean, dry towel.
4) Use ONLY recommended ointment (PANTENOL POMAD). It is
important to use only a small amount. Rub in thoroughly and wipe off excess.
5) A slight protective scab will form in about 2 days. DO NOT scratch or pick at
the tattoo. DO NOT expose the tattoo to direct sunlight.
6) Healing will be complete in approximately a week to 15 days.
7) DO NOT soak in a bath and NO swimming until the skin is completely healed.
8) Proper care during healing will insure detail and color.
9) If you have any questions call your artist at the studio.
DO NOT rely on
information from anyone but a professional tattoo artist.

Don’t Forget
No sun, ocean, or chlorinated water on your new tattoo until it is healed.
Healing time varies, usually 1-2 weeks. Peeling skin is normal. Don’t pick or
scratch it! Let it heal naturally. Remember touch up work is free 3 months from
the date the tattoo has been done.
Any touch up work required due to any neglect of your tattoo will not be done for free but at your cost.
Some parlors are able to determine if you have neglected your tattoo and will determine whether or not you get free touch up

9 Aralık 2007 Pazar


herşey benim *(onur) maminin **(muhammed) evine gelip ödevini yazmaya başlamamla başladi :) bi süre sonra ***mehmet uyandi ve planlarinda film izlemek wardi, fakat ben se msn de çet yapip facebookta sörç yaparken mami 15 sayfalik ödevi nasil yazicağını düşünüyordu, olay burda koptu zaten 2000 li yıllardan kalma eski bi scanner ve benim bulduğum yazilimlarla 15 sayfalik yani aşşai yukari 4 saatlik YAZI ödevini 30 dakikada bitirdik,mehmetse hala film izlemek istiyordu... bu olaylar bir garajda değil ama bir evde başladi (mami ve mehmetin evi). sonra baktık ki cok eğlendik ve ticarete dökemeye çalişma planlarimiz suya düştü bi anda eğlence sektörüne adim attik bizde :)
şimdiki amacimiz ise güzel, ilginç afişler hazirlayip kendi çapımızda eğlenirken dışardaki insanlari da hiç olmazsa bankamatik otobus durağı gibi yerlerde beklerken biraz olsun gülümsetmek :)
her işte olduğu gibi bu işe de biz para kazanmak için başladik, fakat 10 dk sonra bu işinde bokunu çıkarttik :)
ama hala idda ediyoruz ki çok hızlı yazi yaziyoruz!! :) ama hala film izleyemedik :)

**(muhammed)=mehmedin ev arkadaşi;
***mehmet=maminin ev arkadaşi;